
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Stop Snoring Exercise Program

Hi, today I like to share about a snoring solution without the use of surgery. Many of you may not prefer surgery because of the likelihood of an uncomfortable side effect. There are many ways and this solution not only helps stop snoring but also in minimising facial wrinkles.

According to the creator of this snoring solution, not many people know about it. He came up with the idea on creating the stop snoring exercise program after observing the students of his wife who taught singing.

The program benefits snorers in three ways. Firstly, it is a method to deal physically stop snoring that comes from the nasal passages and the throat. Secondly, you can follow the simple drawings of each method from a total of 24 methods. Each method aims to strengthen your tongue and jaw.

In the end, snoring will stop when the tongue and the jaw are not relax and the soft tissues inside your air passage do not vibrate. And lastly, these methods save you time because each method only takes about 3 minutes to practice.


To find out more, visit

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Stop Snoring Aids - how about an anti snore nose clip?

Some snorers may like ro wear a stop snoring aid that is unobstrusive particularly if they share a bedroom with someone else. 

If they find that one of their snoring causes is a blocked nose, then this stop snoring aid may work for them.

One of the unobstrusive stop snoring aids is an anti snore nose clip.  Some stores called it Snorepin.  Others may call it anti snoring device worn on the nose.

Snorepin, manufactured in Germany, is one of the best anti snore nose clips from Germany so far.

Its advanced anatomic and conical shape feels very comfortable in the nose and looks unobtrusive. It leads to a much better breathing during night time. Its main goal is a better air flow in nasal passage.  How?  Snorepin is worn on your nostrils and keeps it open.  Couples will definitely like.  Just see it for yourself on your top left side and you know what I mean.

Besides that, Snorepin's design is such that the nose hair can go through the little slits in it to filter the air in naturally, catch airborne particles and prevent the particles from reaching your lungs.  Not only it is good in stopping snoring, it is also good in saving your lungs.

Another good thing about this stop snoring aid is that it minimizes the dryness in your mouth.The Snorepins are dishwasher safe and you can use them for years.  Cleaning is easy with water and soap or just put in the dishwasher.   Suitable for travellers because the stop snoring aid's dimensions are only 11.5mm x 7mm x 16mm.  Very lightweight because it weighs less than 1.8 ounces.
